Contract #59,065

Start Date : 30.May.2024
End Date : 30.May.2025
Contract Cost : 8,333.000 BBB
Daily Income : 22.830 BBB
Contract Tenor : 365 days
Tenor Completed : 58 days
Status : Trial
Owner : Iwan gudul

Notice : Contract will keep crediting BBB coins daily till the end date is reached.

Contract system status update as on 27.Jul.2024
Contracts Booked Today : 1
Total Contracts Booked : 8,465
BBB Locked in Contracts : 23,306,974
BBB Produced Daily : 64,627
BBB in Circulation : 19967553.217 BBB
Contracts Available to Book : 2,359
Max Contract Limit per User : 34
Cost of a Contract : 8,465
BBB Price : $ 0.00150000